Success With Personal Skills

December 28, 2006 at 8:40 pm Leave a comment

Prioritizing Tools

· Why prioritize? TQ page 5 http

· What are your values? Vision and Values page 7

· How will you spend your time here? Secretan page 10

· Where are you now? Benchmarking page 11

· Where are you going? Simpleology page 15

· How will you get there? Action Plan

Time Best Practices

  1. know what you want to achieve
  2. make it easy
  3. do it
  4. Monitor, assess and change

Success Blocks

Why is it that with all the information available today on how to be successful in small business, so few people really are?
Michael Gerber

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Success With Leadership Skills Success With Financial Skills

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The Three Success Factors

I have worked closely with 100’s of business owners and I have seen too many struggle. I have seen what works and what doesn't.

It takes 3 things to succeed:
1. Hard work - and I know you do that already.
2. Knowledge - domain knowledge: you've got that and continue to learn; and business knowledge: this is where everyone focuses and it's easy to find
3. Mindset - This is the killer app. This is what makes or breaks small business owners.

We work on Mindset here at the Business Owners Success Club: how you think about yourself and your business.

When you focus on a business that gives you what you need to live a Good Life and gives others what they need to solve a problem, everything else falls into place and you have a successful business.

Using that as a framework we work on one aspect of business every month. February is "Your Place in Your Community" month.

In March we will open the doors to our online community. Stay Tuned.

Sign up here to play along.


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